PRP and PRF are natural growth factors found in your own blood. They are rich in platelets, white blood cells, and fibrin (in the case of PRF). These substances stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, and new skin cells.

Due to PRFs higher concentration, it is a great product to use as a natural filler. It targets deeper wrinkles, hollows, or more advanced signs of aging.

PRP releases growth factors for a few hours where PRF releases them up to a week. This slow release is thought to have more robust, longer-lasting results.

Treatment Highlights:

  • PRF is spun slower, making a more concentrated product.

  • Most effective in uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.

  • Targets deeper wrinkles, hollows, or more advanced signs of aging.

Frequency of Treatment:

1 treatment every month for 3-4 months


$600 - PRF Microneedling
$700 - PRF Injectables


  • Platelet-Rich-Fibrin treatments begin with harvesting the growth factors. During this process, a blood draw will be performed just like if you were having bloodwork done. This sample is then placed in a special centrifuge. PRP is spun at a high speed that causes the vial to completely separate the plasma layer. PRF is spun slower so that some of the white blood cells, and fibrin remain in the platelet layer. Since PRF is spun slower it is a more concentrated product.

    Once the PRF has been isolated, it can be prepared as an injectable. Although there is minimal pain associated with the process, you may experience some pinching or discomfort at the injection site.

  • PRP stands for platelet-rich-plasma while PRF stands for Platelet-rich-Fibrin. Both procedures are performed similarly where your blood is drawn into a vial and spun in a centrifuge. However, there is a few differences of the product and how they are best used.

    A vial used for PRP has anticoagulants in it, while PRF vials do not. PRP is spun at a high speed that causes the vial to completely separate the plasma layer.

    PRF is spun slower so that some of the white blood cells, and fibrin remain in the platelet layer. Since PRF is spun slower, it is a more concentrated product.

  • PRF contains 10x the platelet concentration that is found within the body where PRP contains roughly 2-5 times.

    PRP is most effective in uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, or fine lines and wrinkles.

    Due to PRFs higher concentration it is a great product to use as a natural filler. It targets deeper wrinkles, hollows, or more advanced signs of aging. PRF is also great for hair restoration.

  • While each patient is different, most people see results within 2-3 weeks after treatment and improve with time. Depending on your skin concerns and desired results, it can take several treatments before noticing optimal results.

  • One of the most exciting things about PRF is it can be a safe and effective choice for nearly anyone! As it uses growth factors from your own body, it make be used to treat most generally healthy adults with realistic goals and expectations.

    The ideal candidate is someone who will keep up with their treatments and wants to address areas that are hollow. This is an alternative to using filler for volume loss.

  • The most common reactions to the injection site are:

    • Bleeding

    • Bruising + swelling

    • Redness.

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